1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown

1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown


Green cotton velvet evening gown with antique white lace and ribbon and peacock feather decorations.


1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown


Satin damask ball gown, c.1895, https://www.vintagetextile.com/

Patterns used

Patterns used

Combination underwear- 7157 Vintage Closet Undergarments Pattern , Simplicity
Corset- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under Bust Corset #113 , Laughing Moon Patterns
Petticoat- Edwardian Underthing #203, Folkwear
Bodice-1890's wist, Laughing Moon #103
Skirt-Walking skirt #209, Folkwear

Alternate views

Same outfit worn as a daywear by adding a white lace underbodice.

1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown 1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown


Costume made and worn in 2018
