1890's Green Velvet Evening Gown
Green cotton velvet evening gown with antique white lace and ribbon and peacock feather decorations.

Satin damask ball gown, c.1895, https://www.vintagetextile.com/
Patterns used
Patterns used
Combination underwear- 7157 Vintage Closet Undergarments Pattern , Simplicity
Corset- Ladies' and Gentlemen's Under Bust Corset #113 , Laughing Moon Patterns
Petticoat- Edwardian Underthing #203, Folkwear
Bodice-1890's wist, Laughing Moon #103
Skirt-Walking skirt #209, Folkwear
Alternate views
Same outfit worn as a daywear by adding a white lace underbodice.
Costume made and worn in 2018